Cal Index – Health Information Exchange

Announcing Cal INDEX – next generation Health Information Exchange

Anthem Blue Cross is announcing today a truly historic partnership with Blue Shield – the creation of Cal INDEX a statewide health information exchange.

The California Integrated Data Exchange (Cal INDEX) is a comprehensive collection of electronic patient records which will include clinical data from healthcare providers and health insurers. Cal INDEX will allow physicians, nurses and hospitals throughout the state to share patients’ health information, and will provide them with the tools to help them give their patients the safest, highest-quality care possible. The result will be one of the largest exchanges of its kind, initially providing physicians and nurses with secure, on-line access to approximately 9 million health information records – or nearly one-fourth of the state’s population. Cal INDEX expects to be operational by the end of 2014.

Advantages for consumers
With Cal INDEX, consumers’ health data will be available to doctors, nurses, and hospitals regardless of what health insurance plan they have or which doctor they see. Participating doctors and nurses can more easily and securely share patients’ health information electronically with other providers and hospitals to help them provide the safest, highest-quality care possible.

Advantages for employers
Cal INDEX will help employers champion a healthier workforce by giving providers and hospitals faster and easier online access to the vital patient health information they need to give patients the best care possible.

As Cal INDEX becomes functional, members will be given an opportunity to choose not to participate in Cal INDEX. We’ll share more with you as information becomes available.

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