Category Archives: Health Care Reform

Cal Index – Health Information Exchange

Announcing Cal INDEX – next generation Health Information Exchange

Anthem Blue Cross is announcing today a truly historic partnership with Blue Shield – the creation of Cal INDEX a statewide health information exchange.

The California Integrated Data Exchange (Cal INDEX) is a comprehensive collection of electronic patient records which will include clinical data from healthcare providers and health insurers.… Read the rest

Individual Mandate Delayed Until March 31, 2014

Week of October 28, 2013

With Congress now focused on dissecting the troubled rollout of health insurance exchanges, the Obama administration is making modifications to its marketplace schedule and is facing pressure to do more. The administration announced last week that it will issue new guidance pushing back the date by which individuals must have health care coverage or face a penalty.… Read the rest

Covered California Standard Benefits Announced

On February 13th, Covered California (our state’s health insurance exchange) released its standardized plan benefit structure for plans offered under the Affordable Care Act starting in 2014. These benefits must be offered in the individual and small group (under 50 employees) markets both inside and outside of Covered California’s marketplace. … Read the rest

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